Thursday, July 24, 2014

Turning one!

This blog has turned one year old!

{Ed.'s note: Huh. We didn't think you'd make it.}

I churned out 98 posts this past year. That's a pace of roughly one post every four days.

Going forward, my first goal is to increase posting by about 10% this year. Hopefully, I can accomplish that goal by meeting my second goal, which is to produce a few more current observation posts. I have a tendency to want to procrastinate ruminate about events and places we've visited before I write about them. An occasional quick hitter will add some spice. I think.

Time will tell.

Are you enjoying Coloring Without Borders? I've evolved from being deeply ambivalent about blogging to genuinely enjoying the process. I'd even miss it if I couldn't do it. (And with the computer and internet problems I've had over the past few months, I came kinda close to giving up in despair. #firstworldproblems)

Many thanks to those of you who spend time here, whether regularly or only occasionally. There's no point in blogging without readers. I'll do my best to keep you entertained, informed, and amused as we go forward.

It's a beautiful, gorgeous, amazing day here in Scotland; indeed, it's been gorgeous for weeks. Today's high temperature is flirting with 80 °F. Just now, a BBC sports announcer declared: "You'd never expect to hear this on live television, but I was in Brazil a few weeks ago for the World Cup, and it's just as hot here in Glasgow as it was then."

In fact, it's too beautiful to spend the day blogging! Or even inside! Catch y'all later.